Čo je chonk


Chonk definition. This page explains what the slang term "Chonk" means. The definition, example, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the Slangit team. We are constantly updating our database with new slang terms, acronyms, and abbreviations.

This page explains what the slang term "Chonk" means. The definition, example, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the Slangit team. We are constantly updating our database with new slang terms, acronyms, and abbreviations. o lawd they chonkyI do not condone or approve of feeding your cat until it is overweight just for the sake of calling it a "chonker." Please this video is on In this video showcase t\we highest quality memes that are very memy so watch till the end or i will cut you.

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Có / Không Ban chonk an do ži chonk? Ko / Chonk 45. Máte alergii na nějaké potraviny?

Čo je chonk

chonk. thecancerthatkills Rank: #87. BorderlineLewds. Adjust content blocking Content Blocking. prev. Prev. prev +77 Sub/Block Channels: Login to view comments (19)

(noun) First seen in an Internet meme that began circulating circa summer 2018, the word “chonk” refers to an aggressively chubby housecat. Chonk is an internet slang term used to describe overweight cats that grew popular in the late summer of 2018 after a photoshopped chart of cat body-fat indexes renamed the "Chonk" scale grew popular on Twitter and Reddit. Additionally, "Oh Lawd He Comin,'" the final level of the Chonk Chart, was adopted as an online catchphrase used to describe large objects, animals or people. It is not to (Murder is the lanky half-tabby, Mayhem the Holstein chonk). 2019, "Flat Famous", CANTA, October 2019, page 40: The undisputed queen of the house, the most fabulous kitty in the world. Almost a certified chonk these days and will only allow you to cuddle her for 10 seconds.

17.03.2017 07.03.2021 Kedy je nízky imunoglobulín G? Aké sú príznaky nedostatku IgG? Čo robiť, ak je hladina IgG znížená; Kedy sa zvyšuje imunoglobulín G? Imunoglobulín G (IgG) je protilátka, ktorá sa nachádza vo všetkých ľudských slizniciach a v krvnom sére. Je produkovaný plazmatickými bunkami a … 5 hours ago A fat or aggressively fluffy animal. (noun) First seen in an Internet meme that began circulating circa summer 2018, the word “chonk” refers to an aggressively chubby housecat.

Ko / Chonk 44. Je něco, co nejíte? Ano / Ne Bạn không ăn đồ gì không? Có / Không Ban chonk an do ži chonk? Ko / Chonk 45. Máte alergii na nějaké potraviny?

chonk. thecancerthatkills Rank: #87. BorderlineLewds. Adjust content blocking Content Blocking. prev.

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